About me

I am a simple, positive and kind-hearted woman, who at the age of 16 decided to once start to live her dreams. In various multilingual competitions, also Cambridge English Readers, I won awards for shorter stories, and then it hit me: I want to write. I want to be a writer. I followed my dreams and after 11 years I published my first book.

At that time, I also have chosen my pen name Evelyn and decided to write all my books first in English, in a language that is sometimes more maternal to me than Slovenian. I’ve been through a lot, but always lifted myself up and changed for the better. Nickname Sunshine spontaneously came to me in the year 2017. Suddenly people around me began to call “Sunshine” – right after a difficult life test when I became positive, smiling and happy. My life path is to teach people and help them. And I want to do this through my writing as well.

Only you can fix me is my first book – a love book with a little bit of erotica and drama, but mostly positive, inspirational and motivational. It is about my perception of life and love during the period of 5 years – between the age of 22 and 27 years.

The book is dedicated to different men who have had influence on me – positively – and I am grateful to them even today that they were in my life, although some were part only a short time, because they have taught me a lot about myself, about love and about life. Because of them and all the life lessons, I am today better, stronger, more self-confident, positive, happier, good-hearted and with a better self-esteem.

Love is not just one and it is not always simple. We all want to love and to be loved. However, in relationships, we often forget about ourselves as individuals. I believe that true love can be accepted into our lives only when we strongly love ourselves and our unique lives. Remember: Never change your loved ones, not because you can’t, but because you
mustn’t. Everyone is able to change only themselves if they really want to, and if these changes are to better ones.

To all who have been and who are still part of my life: Thank you!

With love,



Prva uradna predstavitev knjige Only you can fix me

Lokacija: Kavarna Sputnik, Ljubljana

Kdaj: četrtek, 14.3.2019, ob 18.00


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